• Reservation fee of Php 30,000.00 is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
  • All checks should be made payable to Commonwealth Estate Incorporated (CEI)
  • The above prices are inclusive of taxes and miscellaneous fees.
  • Accepts In-house, Pag-ibig, Bank and provident Financing
In-house Financing:
  • A 5% Discount on Total Contract Price can be availed if paid within 30 days.
  • A 2.5% discount on 50% Down payment can be availed if paid within 30 days.
  • The down payment (10%, 20%, 30%) can be paid within 4 months to 6 months.
  • The balance (70%, 80%, 90%) can be paid within 1 year to 5 years with 16% interest per annum.
  • For Bank & Provident Financing:
  • The 30% down payment can be paid through Easy Equity Payment Plan (maximum of 18 months)
  • The 70% balance can be paid through bank, HDMF/Pag-ibig, provident and in-house financing.
1)The client should sign up into a LEASE-to-PURCHASE Agreement.
2)The lease shall be at least a 1-year contract.
3)The lessee is required to pay 2 months advance and 3 months security deposit.
4)The client is given an Option Period of 1 YEAR i.e., to decide whether to purchase the unit or not.
5)If undecided to purchase upon end of the 1 YEAR option period, the contract will remain a lease agreement and may be renewed or terminated as requested.
6)If client decides to purchase the leased unit, the amount paid as rent for the whole year shall be credited as partial payments of the unit and by then the contract shall be converted to an absolute purchase agreement.
7)Upon decision to purchase, client shall render advice to the developer as to what form of financing to apply for the balance. Documentation and other concerns shall be handled by our account officers at Primary Homes Office.